Wardrobe Edits from £150

Text comes in "Hey Claire, you guys free for supper on Friday? " - Horror! We are free BUT I have nothing to wear .....  Opens up laptop and starts online shopping for another lace top to add to the other 6 that are in my wardrobe somewhere. 

This was me, until last year. 

Is your wardrobe full to the brim, but you can't find anything to wear? Do you feel horrid in almost everything that you put on, unless it resembles PJs?  

Shedding clutter from your wardrobe is not an easy task. Take it from me, I am the worst hoarder, or at least I was......  Over the past year I have let go of so many fashion faux pas, extremely expensive mistakes and also some sentimental pieces. These items were either given to charity, sold on eBay or Vestiare Collective or put away for safe keeping - away from my closet in order to free up space from the essential capsule wardrobe. 

I find that my clients find this process extremely liberating. Just think, the spaces you clear are shouting out to be occupied with new key investment pieces, or the items you are missing from the capsule collection. 

I will help you transform your cupboard space, re-organise your clothes, sort into seasons etc.